Wednesday, June 11, 2014

End of year final exam post

During my art classes as a senior I have learned patience and creativity. Having only taken art for the first time this year, it was pretty memorable. I drew, built, molded and painted stuff I never thought I had the ability to do. I defiantly recommend this class to any underclass men. It will teach you responsibility and you will most defiantly learn how to manage your own time. If you think you cannot be artistic, think again. This class will bring out your inner artist. I have no regrets taking this class. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Time capsule

While creating my time capsule, I thought to myself, how could I make this "be" like me? So, on the outside I covered the capsule with my favorite colors such as pink, red and also glued on a little white heart. Inside the capsule, I colored with sharpie on the edges pink and purple. I wrote a note to myself and taped it in there. I left a fortune cookie to remind me of all my good fortunes I was able to have. Inside is also a drawing of nail polish that looks really cool so I decided to put it in there. This is just a little preview about my box. I hope to be able to return to it. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Totem pole project: high school

Starting high school was the scariest moment of my life. I didn't know what to expect. Being a freshman and hardly knowing my way around, I was stressed to the max let alone being around so many new faces. I didn't sign up for this, but it is the law and I have to go through with this. Freshman year to senior year flew by in a blink of an eye it almost seemed. Now that I am about to graduate, I think back to great memories and reminisce on old times. High school turned out to be a great experience. I wouldn't change it for the world. I learned many life lessons, but still have so much to learn and endure. How exciting! I've met amazing people along the way. I've had tears and joy and the whole nine yards. I took art for the first time and high school inspired me to make this project. My project is all about high school. Surprise! It starts with my foundation being a locker and it is filled with the treasures and necessities for high school. And in the end you must always remember that high school is just the end before an adventurous new beginning.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fortune cookie drawing

This assignment has let me focus completely on myself and really reach deep into my thoughts. My fortune I picked said "when winter comes heaven will rain success on you". Now this fortune could mean something completely different to two different people. What it meant to me and why I chose this fortune is because this was the one that touched me the most. I really felt a certain connection to this fortune. If you believe in yourself and never let others bring you down, you can pray to God and I am sure he will bring you success. 

Pop print

I chose to use a nail polish bottle because it was not only easy to do but also symbolizes me as I love to paint my nails and I love how nail Polish comes in many colors so it can be used to express yourself in more than one way. Printing in mass-production was fun and tiring at the same time. It was cool to see how many different ways you could produce your item but exhausting also because there were so many prints of the same item. Overall, this was a fun assignment. 

Art x 3

When I had to let go of my drawing piece more than once I felt a kind of anxiety along with it. The experience overall was fun and exciting because the drawing that you received was completely new to you and you had no idea what you were getting yourself into. It was pretty funny to see the reactions of some people. Finishing the work of someone else's was quite difficult because it was hard to tell what else needed to be done to it. A life lesson I learned was you might just have to finish what others have started regardless the situation and to go with the flow at all times.